We woke this morning to news that all active duty sailors were being recalled to the ship, even those on leave. Tropical Storm Ewiniar has decided to grow up into Typhoon Ewiniar, and is headed our way. It's no longer aiming directly at Sasebo (at least as they are tracking it now), but it's still coming.
I'm not worried about our home here, as we have big steel retractable storm shutters that "deploy" as easily as a sliding glass door. We're nice and high on a hill. And I've got a big Rubbermaid tote filled with candles, flashlights, batteries, a radio, rain gear, disinfectant, canned goods, etc., along with copies of all our important papers (in the case of an evacuation), a stack of books and a giant container of water. The worst that could happen here at home would really be losing power...we'll be hot and without Internet access. Not exactly a reason to panic. That is, I'm trying hard not to hyperventilate at the idea of no computer!
But...high winds and high seas can do some serious damage to a ship tied up at the pier. So the USS Essex is set to get underway tomorrow morning, and get out of the storm's way for a few days. They'll also be out there at the ready, in case the storm hits an unprepared area, like the rural Korean villages that now seem to be in the path of the storm.
There's absolutely no reason to worry about us, as we're all set for whatever happens. However, I thought perhaps you might hear about the storm and wonder or worry. We're just fine, other than FH being a little grumpy at losing some time off. You might want to keep those who still are in the storm's path in your thoughts and prayers though.
Check out http://www.npmoc.navy.mil/jtwc/warnings/wp0406.gif and http://www.npmodsasebo.navy.mil/welcome_2.htm for storm updates, if you are so inclined.
More news when we have some!