...because it looks as if Typhoon Ewiniar would rather visit Korea and China than stop by Sasebo. So today, instead of having destructive force winds, we had sunshine and blue skies. I understand we'll have some wind and rain tonight, but nowhere near what was expected.
Meanwhile, Fearless Husband is floating around somewhere in the South China Sea--I guess because the Powers That Be decided they didn't want to let our husbands and wives just come home, and possibly "waste" all the provisions they brought aboard in such a hurry on Thursday.
After all, I'm sure powdered milk, powdered eggs and powdered potatoes must have a really short shelf-life.
Frustrated? Me? Nooooooo....
(But I did have a really wonderful day. I've got to get caught up as quickly as possible, so I can tell you all about meeting Imaemon the 14th in person! So...more ASAP, I promise!)
Hello! Managing oatmeal and kids. I don't know why e-mail isn't working. What's the error message?
Tell me if you receive mine.
It's your anti-spam. Mine just came back to me.
Don't worry, I said hello to Ewiniar for you... down here in "the islands". The typhoon was actually kind of fun... nothing too crazy!
Love ya,
YAY for the good news! May typhoons just blow away in another direction always!
As for the separation you and your husband must constantly endure, I do not envy you your position and admire you beyond what words can convey! Here's to hoping to a raunch filled visit home soon!
Good news on missing the bad weather, but I hope you get to see your husband soon! Powdered eggs? GAH! Thanks for visiting my blog way over here in Tennessee. :)
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